Projects & Project Related Entities

This knowledge base section deals with projects and their related entities, such as tasks, issues, risks, scope changes, etc.

  • Actions

    This article contains detailed explanations of the Actions entity available in PPO: What is an Action; Accessing the Actions entity; Standard Configuration; Calculated Fields; Customising the Actions entity; Action Reporting. What is an Action A...

  • Benefits

    This article contains detailed explanations of the Benefits entity available in PPO: What is a benefit; Accessing the Benefits entity; Standard Configuration; Customising the Benefits entity; Benefit Reporting; Benefit Tracking Life Cycle. Watch...

  • Comments

    Comments are used to provide written feedback on the progress of the project. The comments are written by the Project Manager and the audience for the comments are the Project Owners, Sponsor and the Project Office. This article covers: Standard ...

  • Conversations

    Conversations functionality in PPO allows you the ability to have informal discussions, tag in users and share knowledge and content on any entity (risks, issues, projects, documents and even approvals).  To support the conversations functionality...

  • Costs

    This article covers: Accessing the Costs entity; Standard Configuration; Calculations; Currency; Cost Reporting. The Costs entity allows users to capture expected costs and actual costs applicable to their project.  Watch this video that covers ...

  • Custom Entities

    This article covers: Pre-configured entities; Setting up custom entities; Additional Considerations. Each instance of PPO has custom project related entities available in addition to the standard PPO entities provided. These entities are very si...

  • Decisions

    This article contains detailed explanations of the Decisions entity available in PPO: What is a decision? Accessing the Decisions entity; Standard Configuration; Customising the Decisions entity; Decisions Reporting. What is a decision ? Decisio...

  • Demand

    This article covers: What is demand How to access demand Demand view page Auto creating a project from a demand Reporting Watch this short video of PPO's Demand Capability: What is demand Demand management is the process that an organisation pu...

  • Documents

    All project documentation needs to be stored and maintained in a single repository. PPO's Documents entity provides users with the ability to add documents and link documents to entity records such as Risks, Issues, and Tasks while keeping a histo...

  • Governance Requirements

    PPO allows for the monitoring of adherence to project governance by means of a pre-configured Governance Requirements entity with associated reports. These reports measure whether a defined set of documents are produced and approved for each of th...

  • Health Indicators

    Health indicators are used to show the status / health of specific areas within the project.  Project managers must consider various perspectives when reporting on a project, these include perspectives like Scope, Progress, Risks, Costs, Benefits,...

  • Issues

    This article contains detailed explanations of the Issues entity available in PPO: What is an Issue; Accessing the Issues entity; Standard Configuration; Calculated Fields; Customising the issues entity; Issue Reporting. Whats is an Issue An iss...

  • Lessons

    This article contains detailed explanations of the Lessons entity available in PPO: What is a lesson; Accessing the lessons entity; Standard Configuration; Customising the lessons entity; Lessons reporting; Additional considerations. Watch this ...

  • Programmes

    This article covers: Accessing the Programme entity; Standard Configuration; Customising the Programme entity; Adding Programmes; Copying Programmes; Linking Projects to Programmes; Programme Reporting. What this short video of PPO's Programme M...

  • Projects

    This article covers: Project View page; Copy project; Project dashboards; Download documents; Admin projects; Calculated planned progress percentage and actual progress percentage; Programmes. Projects form the basis of PPO. All items (Tasks, Is...

  • Risks

    This article covers: What is a risk; Accessing the Risks entity; Standard Configuration; Calculated fields; Customising the Risks entity; Risk reporting. What is a risk Risks are uncertain events or conditions that, if they occur will have a pos...

  • Scope Changes

    This article covers: Accessing the Scope Change entity; Standard Configuration; Customising the Scope Change entity; Scope Change Approvals; Scope Change Reporting. Whenever a situation arises where the project scope, costs and/or time-line will...

  • Sprints

    In the Scrum methodology of agile software development, work is confined to a regular, repeatable work cycle, known as a Sprint. Another definition of a sprint is that it is a time-boxed iteration. The length of each sprint will differ between env...

  • Tasks

    This article covers: Task types; Sort order; Scheduler; Task import wizard; Importing additional fields; Map the fields in system configuration; Update from PPO; Gantt chart; Important notes. A task in project management is an activity / work it...

  • Time Entries

    This article covers: Overview; Accessing the time entries page; Time Entry Options; Manually adding a project or non-project-related item; Manually linking an item; Adding an "Other" item; Capturing Time; Adding a note; Marking a time entry as bi...

  • Work Items

    This article contains a detailed explanation of the Work Items entity available in PPO. This entity is available by default on the Agile Software Development solution type but can also be configured manually by yourself or with assistance from the...