

In the Scrum methodology of agile software development, work is confined to a regular, repeatable work cycle, known as a Sprint. Another definition of a sprint is that it is a time-boxed iteration. The length of each sprint will differ between environments but is usually between 1 week (recommended) and 3 months.

During each sprint, the team develops a certain set of work items. Every sprint begins with the sprint planning meeting, in which the Product Owner and the team discuss which work items will be moved from the product backlog into the sprint backlog.

The Sprint Goal, aka Sprint Theme, is the key focus of the work for a single sprint. A sprint also forms part of the further discussions during the Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective meetings.

During the sprint, team members check in with each other at the daily Scrum meeting. After sprint execution, a sprint review meeting is conducted. The team also gathers at the end of each sprint to reflect on how things went and what they’d like to change. This meeting is called the sprint retrospective meeting.

Sprints are created per team – if there are multiple teams there can therefore be multiple sprints in progress at the same time.

Next, let’s look at the Sprint Planning and Sprint Review categories:


Category: Sprint Planning

Status – The status of the sprint is selected, and will also show on the “Scrum - Sprint Backlog” dashboard. There are three statuses that can be selected for each sprint. They are Planned, In Progress and Completed.
Start– This shows the start date of the weekly sprint.
End – This is a calculated field indicating the last day of the sprint. By default, this is set for a one week sprint. The sprints are run from Sunday to Saturday.
Goal – The goal for the sprint is captured and shows on the “Scrum - Sprint Backlog”. The goal also reflects on the “Scrum – Sprint Backlog”.
Estimated Hours – This is a calculated field that will show the total estimated hours for all work items linked to the sprint.
Estimate to Complete – This is a calculated field that shows the total estimate to complete hours, for the work items linked to the sprint.
Items Done / Total to Complete – This is a calculated field that shows the number of work items allocated to the sprint that are done and the total number of work items in the sprint.
Link to Sprint Dashboard – This is a hyperlink to the “Scrum - Sprint Backlog” for the specific sprint you are viewing.


Category: Sprint Review

What went well? – During the Sprint Retrospective meeting this field is populated with the relevant information.
What went wrong – During the Sprint Retrospective meeting this field is populated with the relevant information.
Velocity – This is a calculated field that will show the total estimated hours for all work items linked to the sprint AND that have been completed, excluding generic work items.

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