Most organisations have implemented PPO to gain the benefit of real time reporting, but this can only be achieved if the reporting that is now available at the click of a couple of buttons is accurate. To help project managers and project offices, PPO calculates the data quality of each and every project.
On the Project entity and in certain PPO reports such as Data Completeness , Project Quality Report and Portfolio Quality Report, you will notice these data quality fields.
Data Quality indicates if Health Indicators and Comments have been updated within the agreed reporting period. This helps the Project Manager and Project Office see whether the Comments and Health Indicators are relevant, up to date and that the reporting frequency agreed on is being maintained.
Health Indicators are used to show the status/health of specific areas within the project.
Comments are used to provide written feedback on the progress of the project. The commentary is provided by the Project Manager and the audience is typically the Project Owners, Sponsors, and the Project Office.
Comments and Health Indicators appear on dashboards in PPO such as the Project Status Dashboard.
If ALL Health Indicators and Comments are not updated within the defined reporting period, the Data Quality indicator will turn RED. In the Project entity there are 3 fields in the data quality section:
Comments Updated will show RED if any of the comments on the project have not been updated within 7 days. It will show GREEN if all the comments have been updated within 7 days. If no comments exist on a project the indicator will show as GREY. The same rule applies to Health Indicators Updated. If either indicator is RED, Data Quality will be RED.
The reporting period can be defined in the 3 data fields by the PPO administrators, the default period on PPO is 7 days. To adjust the number of days you simply replace 7 in the formula.
Remember to update the formula as well as the description. Please also note you could apply different reporting periods for different size or complexity of projects, thus large projects may report monthly and smaller projects every week. That can be done with a simple case statement as below. P03. In this example there is a custom list field for Reporting Frequency i.e. when Reporting Frequency is Monthly (custom list item key = 473) then calculate on 30 days, when fortnightly (custom list item key = 474) then calculate on 14 days etc. For more information on data fields, click here and for information on calculated fields, click here.
Data quality for the active portfolio can be measured over time in the Monitoring Dashboard. The purpose of the Monitoring Dashboard is to measure user adoption and compliance. Data quality is a key item that indicates whether project updates are being done by the users as agreed. A trend of non-compliance over weeks can alert the Project Office to a possible adoption issue.