

This article covers:

In order for someone to access PPO, they must be loaded as users. This provides them with a username and password in order to log onto PPO.

Before someone can be loaded as a user, they have to be loaded as a resource first. For full details on the differences between resources and users, access the following FAQ. For details on loading resources, access the following knowledge base article.

Adding and editing a user

To add or edit a user, hover over the Administration menu and click on Users. The User List page will open showing a list of all the users that are already loaded on PPO.

On the User List page, you are able to filter all Active as well as Inactive users, by using the filter at the top of the screen.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 07.32.12.png

The User List page can further be filtered per User Group, which helps you see which users belong to a specific user group, and also helps you determine how many users form part of a specific user group.

To add a new user, click on the Add button:


A username has to be specified for every user. The user will use this username to log in to PPO. This could be the person's resource code, name, and surname, or email address.

It is recommended that the username does not contain any spaces or capital letters. These add complexity to the username and increase the possibility of user errors when trying to log in.

The user must be linked to a resource record and user group. For more information on managing user groups,  access the following knowledge base article.

Lastly, indicate whether the resource is Active or not. If a user is no longer Active (Active is unticked) the user will not be able to log in to PPO. This is typically used when a user has resigned: the user is marked as Inactive, leaving all history items intact. Once all the information has been specified, click on the Submit button.

To edit a user click on the user on the list page and select the Edit button. or

Every change made to a user's details will result in a history record being created. This will allow the administrator to keep track of all changes made to user details.

When users are added, a welcome e-mail will automatically be sent to the new user containing a link to PPO as well as their login credentials.


When the user logs in for the first time they will be asked to reset their password.  The user will first insert the password received via email and then add their new password twice.



Editing multiple users

Administrators now have the option to do multiple edit on the users list page, simply select the user that you wish to edit and the use the Actions button to select Edit.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 07.35.28.png

On the Users Edit page you could then edit all users, for example, changing their user group or making them all Inactive.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 07.41.16.png

Reset password

Users have two options when it comes to receiving a new password when they have forgotten theirs. The first option is provided to the user when they log in and requires no intervention on the part of the Administrator.



For more information on this option, access the following FAQ.

The other option is for the PPO Administrator to reset the user's password from their user account. This can be done by accessing the user's account and clicking on the Reset Password option under the Actions Menu.  You also have the ability to Add a new user from the User View page. 

An e-mail containing a new password will be sent to the user automatically.

Deleting a user

Users can only be deleted if they have never logged in to PPO. As soon as a user logs in to PPO they start generating entries in the audit log which need to be maintained even if the user access is no longer required.

If a user has logged on previously, the system will prevent that user from being deleted. 


Note: PPO is charged for according to the number of subscriptions available on an instance, NOT the number of users loaded. For more information on subscriptions, access the following FAQ.

For the PPO Administrator to be able to maintain users, they have to have access to the Administration menu and Users. 

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