
Widget Configuration

The Widget Configuration page allows you to configure default settings that users will see when they log into PPO for the first time.  Once they have logged in, they have the ability to configure their own default settings on the List pages.  They are also able to restore their lists back to the default settings as defined on the Widget Configuration page.

This article covers:

How to access Widget Configuration:

To access the functionality, hover over the Administration Menu and select the Widget Configuration menu item. 

Setting Home page defaults

The first default settings that can be applied relates to the customisable home page.  All users will have the default Home tab shown in the below screenshot. As an Administrator you can add additional tabs for All users by clicking on the Add icon "+". 

In the User Group Selection dropdown, defaults are set up for all the various User Groups.  Depending on which user group you belong to, you will have a default Dashboard tab that comprises of various widgets as well as your Home tab.  Below is an example of a default Project Manager stab. 

You can use the Copy tab icon to duplicate a tab for a user group: 

Click the copy tab icon of the page you want to duplicate, then you will notice a Paste tab icon:

By clicking on the Paste tab icon, it duplicates the tab as shown below:

  • The duplicate tab will have the same name as the one copied from, so you just need to rename it while in edit mode.
  • You can then change filtering and settings on the new tab and click on Save.

You can also copy a tab from one user group and paste to another. Below is an example of copying a tab from the Project Managers user group and pasting it on the PPO Administrators home page.

Then select the PPO Administrator user group, and paste.

Setting board views defaults

The Board views in PPO are available on all list pages and allows you to visualise your data. The Board gives you the ability to apply a Group By, specify the fields that you want visible on the cards and it also allows you to configure workflows in columns.  

To add defaults for the Board View, under Widget Configuration, select an entity where you would want to apply a default.  The below example is for the Demand entity.

(1) Card Fields:  This will allow you to add or remove the fields that are displayed on your cards.  You can also drag and drop the fields to adjust the sort order.

(2) Group By:  You can select the field that you want to apply as a Group By.  

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(3) Workflow field:  By selecting a workflow field, your columns will have headings based on the custom list values of the workflow field selected.

(4) Custom Workflow Columns - Allows you to group certain values together under a single workflow column heading.  This functionality also allows you to customise the column heading caption.  Follow this link for more information.

List Widget defaults

On the left-hand side of the Widget Configuration page is the List Widget with a list of all the Entities and Administration functions. To set a default for an entity List page, first, select the Entity. In this example we have selected Projects.  The below page will then open.

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1. Setting Column defaults for the list widget

Setting default columns allows you to specify which fields a user will see when they are on any list page in PPO.  Example below.

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Looking at the screenshot above (1), you then have the ability to:

  • Add additional fields to the list page as columns by clicking in the "Click to select additional columns" field.
  • Use the drag and drop functionality to change the sort order of the fields you want to view in your list.  Simply click on the field you want to move and drag and drop it to the desired order.
  • Remove fields from the list page by clicking on the "remove" button (x).

2. Setting default Sort Order for the list widget

You can set the default sort order of the columns by setting a first and second column to sort by and for each field setting the order to be ascending or descending. The first field that you click on will be marked as sort order 1 and the second will be marked as 2. You can unselect the column by rechecking on the icon. To change from ascending to descending, simply click the alternative arrow. In the example below the project list is sorted first by the Priority in ascending order and secondly by the Project Name, also in ascending order.

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 13.33.51.png

On the entity List page the first columns sort order will be illustrated by a black arrow (in the direction set) and the second columns sort order will be illustrated by a grey arrow. In the example below the Priority is the first column that is sorted, followed by the Name.

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3. Setting List Page Size default;

When provisioning an instance of PPO, the List page size across the board is 100 items by default.  This can however be changed.

  • Under "Appearance" you can set the list page size by either selecting 10, 20, 50, 100, or 200.  See the screenshot above (2). The maximum list page size is 200. 

4. Setting Chart defaults for list pages

Default Charts have been set for the Demand, Project, Risk, Issue, Cost, Governance and Benefit entities.

As a PPO Administrator, you have the ability to change the existing defaults and set new defaults for Charts that should show on list pages.  You can either add a Key Metric Widget, Donut Chart, Tree Map or a Bar Chart.  In the below example, we are adding a Key Metric Widget indicating the Average Variance % for the portfolio of Projects.  Under Colour options, you can either select a Fixed colour, apply a Condition, or apply a Range.

For the Variance % below, if the % is less than 0%, the Key Metric will show Red, If it is 0% or more it will show Green.

The below screenshot shows how it would display on the list page. 

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Here is an example of a Bar Chart widget configuration and how it would display as a stacked graph on a list page:

The chart widget works interactively with the filter control. If you were to click on the green portion (Execution projects) of the graph below, the Project list would automatically filter by only showing those projects in Execution.  In the filter control, you can also remove the Phase filter pill and the Donut graph will adjust accordingly.

Clicking on the Name Execution in the Donut Chart Legend removes execution projects from the donut chart but not the list page.

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You have the ability to hide your Chart Widgets by clicking on the "x" icon and also unhide it by clicking on the "<" icon as shown in the below screenshot.

5. Copying, editing & deleting charts

You have the ability to copy, edit or delete existing charts by using the below icons.


If you would like to refresh data on your list page without having to refresh the entire page, click on the Refresh icon.

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Setting Calendar Widget defaults

The Calendar Widget in PPO gives you the ability to add and display events from entity items, based on certain criteria. The Calendar shows the related data as a weekly or monthly view on your Home Page.

To update or add defaults for the Calendar Widget, scroll down on the left-hand side of the screen and select Calendar Widget as shown in the below screenshot. 

For the calendar widget, default settings are as shown above and are documented in the Calendar Widget article.  As an Administrator, you have the ability to either copy, edit or delete the existing defaults by using the icons below or add additional defaults for your users.  By clicking on the "Add an Event to Calendar" you can add a new default that will be applicable to all users.

Once you have selected the "Add an Event to Calendar" button, the below fields will be visible that you must complete:

Title - Provide a Title for your event (i.e. My Tasks, My Risks, My Issues).

Data Source - You can select any entity from the drop down list.

Filter - Based on the entity selected, you have the option to apply filtering the same way as you would on a list page in the Filter Control.

Start - Select the date that indicates the start of the calendar entry. All the date type fields for the specific entity will be listed.

End - This allows you to select a date that indicates the end of the calendar entry. This is optional and not mandatory. All the date type fields for the specific entity will be listed.  

Where I am - Optionally include events where I am the selected value.  The list will show all the Resource List type fields on the selected entity.

Colour - This allows you to choose the colour that will be displayed for the event on the calendar. You can either use the colour picker or insert a RGB code.

Setting My Links Widget defaults

The My Links Widget in PPO allows the flexibility of creating your own links on your Home Page for easy access.  

To update or add defaults for the My Links Widget, scroll down on the left-hand side of the screen and select My Links as shown below:

1. Edit the existing links

2. Delete existing links

3. Sort by using drag and drop

4. Add new links - To add new links you just need to provide a Caption, Link and load an Image (PNG, JPEG, etc) or even a GIF. Then click Submit.

Promoting Widgets to User Groups

If a user has access to the Widget Configuration setting then they will have the option to Promote their settings for the List Pages Board Views, Calendar, My Links and Gantt Chart to All or specific user groups by using the Promote functionality that is available from these widgets on the Settings page:

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Users with this access to promote their widget settings to All sser groups or specific user groups by selecting the user group and clicking the Promote button.


Additional Information:

  • Once a user has changed their own defaults, it will only restore back to default if the user selects Restore Defaults via the gear icons.
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