Items assigned to resources who are marked as Inactive will not automatically be reassigned or deleted. For that reason Administrators have to take special care when a resource resigns, that all their items are correctly reassigned or closed. This is a simple three step process:
Step 1:
Access the Task List page, Issue List page, Risk List page, and all other entity list pages where the resource could be assigned to items. Edit any open items that are assigned to them and assign these items to other resources. Using the multiple edit option will save a lot of time.
Step 2:
Mark the user account as inactive by hovering over the Administration menu and selecting Users (select the specific user, select edit, and uncheck the active tickbox). This ensures that the user account is inactive and that the user will not be able to access PPO anymore.
Step 3:
Mark the resource as Inactive. Navigate to the Resource entity, select the relevant record, edit and uncheck the Active tickbox. This ensures that the person is no longer a listed resource and thus Tasks, Risks, Issues, etc. cannot be assigned to them.