
Does PPO allow for Dependencies to be logged and how?

PPO provides functionality to show dependencies which impact a project.  These dependencies can be anything from the completion of other projects, events that must be completed before another can start, etc.

How do I go about setting this up?

Dependencies can be implemented in PPO by using a separate custom entity and configuring the entity to show a list of criteria required. To set up this entity hover over the Administration menu and select Entities.  Select an unused entity and rename it to "Dependencies" and ensure to mark it as In Use:


Follow this link for more information regarding custom entities and setting them up.

An example of the fields which could be relevant to setting up the Dependency entity:


Once you have given access to the relevant User Groups you will see the entity listed in the Projects menu. 

On the Dependency List page, based on your user group access, you have the ability to Add, Edit, Delete or Move Dependencies.  


New dependencies can be added by clicking on the Add action button.  Once all fields have been captured you can select Submit which will take you back to the list page.

Dependency Detail Report:

When adding a new entity like Dependencies using a custom entity you need enable user group access to the Dependency Detail Report under User Groups.mceclip3.png

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