
How can I import Costs with my project plan?

Step 1 - Implement a Cost Data Field
A new data field must be added to the Tasks entity as follows:


Note: when the field is added the Field Type must be Currency.

Step 2 - Map the MSP Cost field to PPO
The cost for each Task can be entered into one of the cost fields in Microsoft Project (MSP): for example, a field called "cost1":


In order for this field to be imported into PPO the MSP field needs to be mapped to the PPO field on the Task Import Field under the System Configuration:


Note: in the example above the PPO field is T02 and the MSP field is taskcost1.

Step 3 - Import the Project Plan into PPO
Import your Microsoft Project (MSP) plan into PPO. The cost field from MSP will be imported into the PPO data field.


Step 4 - View the Actual Cost on the Task List
The Task cost can now be viewed from the Task List page:

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