
Can I increase the document upload limit in PPO?

The maximum physical file size allowed on PPO is currently 50MB. This is a hard limit and cannot be changed. We periodically review this limit and on the basis of a number of factors take a decision on whether to increase it.

Some of the factors that we take into account when deciding on the limit are:

  • The current average internet connection speeds of our user base.
  • The percentage of files uploaded by our user base that exceeds 80% of our current limit.
  • The number of timeout errors that occur as a result of our users trying to upload or download large files over slow connections.
  • The current attachment size limits of the major e-mail service providers used by our user base.
  • The current limits imposed by our outbound mail service provider.

Also note that there is a timeout limit on downloads and uploads of 10 minutes. The upload or download therefore has to complete within this period regardless of the size of the file.

Finally note that you cannot mail documents to yourself using the Mail Document to Me functionality if the file is larger than 10MB.

Should you need to upload documents larger than the current limit we recommend you zip and/or split the documents before uploading them to PPO.

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