
Filter Control

The filter control is available on all list pages in PPO.  This includes entity list pages (like projects, risks, issues, and task list pages), as well as the administration list pages (like data fields and user list pages). The filter control allows you to filter the items that are shown in the list that meet the criteria that you specify.  Example of the filter control on the project list page:


This article covers:

Filter Types

There are various filter types that can be used in PPO.  You can distinguish between the Global, Personal and Shared filters on the list page based on the icon shown next to it. 

The screenshot below shows the Global Filter:

Personal filters are shown as:

Shared filters are shown below:

For more information on filter types, follow this link.

Include / Exclude toggle

When clicking in the filter control and you select the entity, you can either enable the toggle (as shown below) or disable it.  When selecting Include, you can have the ability to select various checkboxes.  By applying the selection, those that were selected will be shown.  Using the Exclude option, the items selected will be excluded from the list.  It is important to note that the toggle is only applicable where you can select a checkbox.

Filtering using the "Is Empty" option

When selecting fields to filter on, you have the ability to use the  "Is Empty" filter option.  There are various use cases for this.  An example shown below by filtering your project list to only showing projects where a Project Manager has not been allocated (where the field Is Empty).  This is very useful when trying to identify data gaps that need to be plugged.

You can also use this function in conjunction with the Include/Exclude toggle mentioned above. In this scenario we want to Exclude projects where the Project Manager field is Empty.

If a field doesn't have empty values, you won't see the "Is Empty" filtering option.

Filtering on a resource list field

To get started, click anywhere in the filter control, select a field to filter on, and then select either a single value or multiple values as shown below.  Example on an issue list page where we are filtering the list page to see all issues where Barry & Harry are Issue Owners:

Should you want to clear the values selected, you can simply click on the Clear icon.

You can type in a few characters at any time and only the matching fields or values will be displayed.

Filtering for a project/s

By clicking in the Filter Control, and selecting Project, you always have the ability to apply a Project filter, whether it is a Global, Shared or Personal Filter as mentioned above.  In addition, you can either filter for a single project or select multiple projects under Values by using the check boxes.  Once you have selected the projects you want to see, you click on Apply.

Filtering using custom lists

When filtering on a custom list you can also select single or multiple values as shown in the example below where we want to filter on the Overdue field and select multiple values.  Using the filter control to select multiple values for certain fields alleviates the need of having to build additional filters.

Filtering on date fields

All list pages can also be filtered on date fields by selecting one of the pre-defined filters such as Last 12 Months, Last 30 Days, Last 7 Days etc.  In the below example, we are filtering on "Logged Date".  

You also have the ability to filter your list based on when items were last updated:

Pinned Entities

On all entity list pages as well as some administration list pages you will notice pinned entities, these entities are special as they have either pre-built filters for you to apply. These pinned entities will typically relate to the list that you are on and are separated with a horizontal line.


Specifying an entity filter

Instead of filtering on a specific field, you can also select an entity filter by selecting Issue (in this case) from the filter control and applying the Only High Priority Issues Shared Filter.


When using the filter control, you have the ability to apply multiple filters.  The Project List example below shows that the following 3 filters have been applied:  The Global Filter (Only Active Projects), a Personal Filter (Exclude Set-Up PPO) as well as a Shared Filter (Non-Administration Projects only).


When initially navigating to a list page, (Issue List example below) the default filters that will be applied are the entity Global Filter (Only Active Issues) and the Project entity Global Filter (Only Active Projects).  This however changes depending on your preferences.  To set the filters back to their default value you can click on the refresh button on the right hand side of the filter control.


Note that the list of filters contains both global and personal filters and that only the first 25 filters are shown. If you have more than 25 filters and a specific filter is not shown, you can search for it by typing in a few characters contained in the filter name.


If the filter is a personal filter you can also edit the filter by selecting it and then clicking on the filter name (shown in blue below).


You can create a new personal entity filter by clicking on the funnel icon. For more detail on setting up your own filter, you can access the following knowledge base article.


Clearing the filter control values

To clear the filters selected you can make use of the "Remove" (x) button on the right end of the filter pill.


Searching for closed out items

In some instances, users might want to search for closed items or filtered out items, for example closed tasks. This can easily be done by removing the global filter on the list page.  With the global filter applied, there are 27 open tasks on the list.


Once the global filter is removed, all the items previously filtered out by the applicable global filter will appear on the list page.  With the "Only Open Tasks" global filter removed you can now see 49 items on the list.  


Filter control for entities on the project view page

When on the Project View page, all the underlying entities have a filter control for ease of use.

For more information on setting up filters, access the following knowledge base article.

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