This article explains how to create a Business Rule to automatically copy items from a Template Project when a new project is created. This can be used for example to automatically create default Tasks, Comments, Health Indicators or Documents when a new project is added.
Adding a new business rule
Under the Administration Menu select Business Rules which will take you the Business Rule List page and then click on the Add button. Complete the information as described below:
Description: Provide an applicable description for the business rule e.g. "Project - Add default comments".
The entity this rule relates to: Here you must select Project since the Create Items from Template Project business rule can ONLY be triggered when a new project is added or updated.
The events that should trigger the rule: In most cases you will select "Add" here.
Is the rule active?: The Active checkbox is by default selected when a new business rule is added.
Action: Select the "Create Items from Template Project".
Template project: Select the project which the items will be copied from. If the project is inactive, you can disable the global filter toggle next to the dropdown. You also have the ability "View" the template project.
Entity to copy from: Select which items to copy e.g. Comments.
Data fields to copy: Select the fields that you want to copy from the template items.
Filter criteria for items: Optionally you can create a filter that will allow you to only copy specific items, e.g. if you are copying documents, you may only want to copy documents of which the document type is "Templates".
Conditions and exceptions: In this section, you can specify any conditions or exceptions for when the business rule should be triggered. This functionality would typically be used if you for example have different items that you want to copy based on the type of project.
For more information related to business rules follow this article.
Additional notes
The built-in PPO functionality should be sufficient for most use cases. If you however have more complicated requirements which are not covered by this functionality, please contact the Support Team who will be able to advise you.