
Field Usage

PPO has a standard set of data fields that provide structure. It also allows clients to specify their own custom data fields for capturing additional information.

In some cases, you as the PPO Administrator may want to know “WHICH” data fields are used on your instance, and “WHERE” these data fields are used in PPO.

After completing the configuration and customisation of your instance, you can use the Data Fields Report, to see “WHICH” fields are being used. This report displays all the information for the data fields, that is also shown on the Data Field List page when viewing each entity.

The report can be accessed by hovering over the Reporting Menu, then select Reports, from the Report category drop-down list select Administration and then select the Data Fields Report.


Now that the PPO Administrator knows “WHICH” fields are being used on their instance, they might want to know “WHERE” these fields are being used.  The main reason for knowing where these fields are being used would be to understand the impact it will have if a particular data field is taken out of use or is repurposed. 

PPO shows a Field Usage button on the Data Field Edit page for each data field. This can be accessed by hovering over the Administration Menu, select the Data Fields. Then on the Data Field List page, filter for the entity you would like to make an update to, select a specific data field and click on the Field Usage button.

Once you have clicked on the Field Usage button, the Data Field Usage page will open.


It starts with an explanation of the RAG indicators and then shows any references to the field, including reports/dashboards, business rules, global and user group filters, field formulas, and database functions.

The explanation of the RAG indicators is the following:
RED:  The field type cannot be changed and the field cannot be taken out of use, until the reference is removed.
AMBER: Changing the field type or taking the field out of use MAY break the components referencing it.

For each type of reference, a short description is provided on how to go about removing the reference. It then shows you the specific items that are impacted and you are also able to drill through to the underlying item by clicking on it. The key for each item is also displayed, which makes it easy for the user, when they need to log a support ticket referencing the specific item they need assistance with.

Below are the scenarios you will come across with screenshots and explanations of each of them.

Business Rules:
If the field is used in a business rule, you will need to understand the impact and update the business rule appropriately. If you need assistance with changing your business rules, you should log a support ticket to ask the PPO Support team to assist you.

Reports / Dashboards:
If the field is used in a report or dashboard, you should log a support ticket to ask the PPO Support team to remove the field from the report or dashboard.


If the field is used in a user group or global filter, PPO will prevent the field from being taken out of use. You need to assess the impact of the change in terms of security, and then change the filter as appropriate.  You can access the specific filter by clicking on it.


Field Formulas:
If the field is referenced in a calculated field, you will first need to remove the reference from the calculated field and then update the calculation appropriately.


Database functions:
If the field is referenced in a database function, firstly understand the impact it will have if the field is removed and then log a support ticket to ask the PPO Support team to remove the reference from the function.


For more information on Data Fields, access the following knowledge base article.

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