
Editing Existing Life Cycles

This article covers:

Editing existing Life Cycles

Life Cycles occasionally require changes after it has been set up and running for a while. Changes can be made to a Life Cycle without having to recreate every page from scratch.

To make a change such as adding an icon to an existing Life Cycle page, all links on the page can be kept intact by following these easy steps.

Step 1: 
Access the Document List page and then click on the applicable .svg document that you wish to update. From the Document View page click on the Actions button and select Download Latest Version or click on the Physical File hyperlink to download.


The .svg document retains all links (to documents, reports, dashboards, PPO pages, websites, and e-mails) and that is the reason you need to download the existing .svg page.

Step 2:
After downloading the .svg page, open the document using MS Visio.


Step 3:
Once the required changes have been made in Visio, save the updated .svg page, then access the existing documents Document View page as shown in the first screenshot, click on the Edit button, upload the amended .svg page and then click on the Submit button.

Re-linking existing life cycles

When documents or life cycle pages are linked in the life cycle, the link is associated with a document key. When life cycle pages are updated and then uploaded again, the document key does not change.

Should one add a new document or life cycle page, a new link will need to be added or an existing link (should it change) would need to be amended.

Follow this knowledge base article for more information relating links on a life cycle.

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