
Basic PPO Functionality

This article covers:

PPO is a fully web-based application, which means users can only access PPO through a web browser. The following pieces of functionality are basic functions that allows the user to easily move around in PPO.

Main menu

The Main Menu makes it easy to navigate to the various pages in PPO.  Be it setting your user preferences, updating your project, running your weekly dashboard, or booking the time you spent this week, the main menu has it covered plus more.

For more information on the main menu, see the following knowledge base article

Page names

Every page in PPO has a page name that appears in the top left-hand corner. Page names support a user when navigating through PPO and when requesting support from the support desk.  Below is an example of an Issue List page name.

Save to list icon

On any View page in PPO, you will see a "Save to List" icon in the page name bar, in the top right-hand corner,  By clicking on this icon, you have the ability to add the specific item to the My List Widget on your Home Page.

Copy page URL icon

On any List, View, or Edit page in PPO, you will see a Copy Page URL icon.

This comes in handy when you want to share a URL link to a specific entity item or share a link to a filtered list with a team member. Here is an example of an Issue View page:

The below Project List is filtered to show "Only Active Projects", excluding "Admin Projects" and only showing "Information Technology" projects. When using the Copy URL Link icon, it will take the user to that specific filtered list.

If you have a query when reaching out to the PPO Support Team you can also use this icon to share a specific item link or filtered list depending on your query.

Action buttons and actions menu 

Most pages in PPO provide a primary action button as well as a secondary actions menu that contains the additional actions that are available in the current context. 

On an entity view page for instance, the primary action button allows the user to edit the item while the secondary action menu contains options to delete the current item, add a new item, copy the item, or navigate back to the list page.

On a List page, if a specific project is not selected in the Filter Control, the "View Project" action button will be greyed out.  The reason for this is that you are viewing a list of various entity items across multiple projects.  Issue List example below.


If you select a specific project in the Filter Control, you will have the ability to select the "View Project" action button as shown in the example below.


Some pages in PPO have special secondary actions.

On the Project View page, you have the ability to copy the project, run your Project Status Dashboard & Executive Dashboard without having to navigate to the Reporting main menu item. You can also download documents and navigate back to the Project List.

Document View page example:

Documents have various action items.  Firstly you have the ability to Remove the Physical File (only if a link exists), you can also Add or Delete a document as well as download the latest version of the document.  When using the Copy functionality, all the metadata is copied over and not the actual physical file.

Show / hide functionality

PPO allows for both entities and sections to be collapsed (hidden) and expanded (shown) in order to make screens more manageable. The show / hide buttons are located in the entity / section headings on the right hand side of the pages. Click on these icons to show or hide the section.

The Scope Changes section has been hidden by clicking on the show / hide icon on the Project View Page:

All view, add, and edit pages in PPO show data fields grouped into categories. Each category name is highlighted and also allows for the category / section to be expanded or collapsed to show more or less information.


In the example above, Task Information, Task Progress and Planning Information are all categories. The Task Progress & Planning Information category has been collapsed and can be expanded by clicking on the arrow on the category line.

PPO will store the selections on the show / hide functionality as a user preference. In other words, if a section is hidden by the user, PPO will see this as a user preference and will keep the section hidden until the user chooses to show the section again.


Tooltips provide users with additional information regarding any field or icon within PPO. To access the tooltip, hover the mouse pointer over the field or icon that requires further explanation.  Example of a tooltip on a data field:


For more information on how to change the tooltip for data fields, see the following knowledge base article.

Searchable drop-downs

When adding / editing a record in PPO you will come across list fields which include Project Lists, Resource Lists, Programme Lists, Custom Lists, and Entity lists. 

All of these lists are fully searchable to reduce the time it takes to find the item you are looking for. 

Searching for a resource (Issue Owner):



When accessing the project related entity view pages, you will notice that there is a hyperlink on the project name. This means you can quickly access the associated project for the item you are viewing by clicking on the hyperlink.


The same is applicable for any resource, programme and entity list fields. This hyperlink will take you directly to the record that has been hyperlinked.

Required fields

Required fields are fields that have to be captured before the user can submit a record. Required fields are shown with grey input boxes, whereas non-required fields have white input boxes.mceclip13.png

If a user neglects to specify a value for a required field, they will see a front end validation in red indicating that those fields should be completed before the record can be submitted.

For more information on required fields, please see the following knowledge base article.

Updating single records

To edit the current record, click on the Edit button.


To add a new record, click on the Add button from the List page:


Should you have the need to update multiple records at the same time you can access the following knowledge base article for more information..

Choosing a file

The choose file function will appear wherever a document is uploaded. You can either 'drag and drop' a document or select "click here" to find a document from your file explorer:


Note that the maximum file size that can be uploaded is 50MB.

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