Step 1 - Implement Number1 Field
Open your Microsoft Project (MSP) plan and implement a new column called: Number1.

Once the column is added, right-click on the column heading and select the Custom Fields option.
Click on the Formula button.
Then enter the formula as follows: ProjDurValue([Duration])
Click OK to close the window. Another window will pop up to which you can also respond by clicking on the OK button.
Under the Calculation for task and group summary rows section click on the Rollup radio button and select Sum from the drop-down list.
Click on OK to return to the Gantt Chart View.
Step 2 - Implement Date1 Field
As in Step 1, Implement a new column called: Date1.
Once the column is added, right-click on the column heading and select the Custom Fields option and click on the Formula button.
Then enter the formula as follows: Now()
Click OK to close the window. Another window will pop up to which you can also respond by clicking on the OK button.
For this field, click on the Use Formula radio button under the Calculation for task and group summary rows.
Click on OK to return to the Gantt Chart View.
Step 3 - Implement Number2 Field
Implement a Number2 field and enter the following formula on the custom fields settings:
Click OK to close the formula window as well as the new window that pops up.
As in step 1, click on the Rollup radio button under the Calculation for task and group summary rows section and select Sum from the drop-down list.
Click on OK to return to the Gantt Chart View.
Step 4 - Implement Text10 Field
As in the previous steps, implement a Text10 field and enter the following formula on the custom field settings:
IIf([Number1]=0,IIf([Finish]<=Now(),100,0),int([Number2]/[Number1]*100)) & "%"
Click OK to close the formula window as well as the new window that pops up.
For this field, click on the Use Formula radio button under the Calculation for task and group summary rows.
Click on OK to return to the Gantt Chart View.
Step 5 - Clean up and import
You can clean up your project plan by hiding the Number1, Date1 and Number 2 columns and renaming the Text10 field to: % Planned.
The Planned Progress % field in PPO is already mapped to the tasktext10 field, so no additional mapping is required.
Additional Notes:
If you receive the following error message when implementing the Text 10 field it will be required to use a different formula.

If the above error message is received, the following formula should be implemented into the Text 10 field: IIf([Number1]=0;IIf([Finish]<=Now();100;0);int([Number2]/[Number1]*100)) & "%"