PPO allows administrators (of instances provisioned after 1 August 2024) to activate and deactivate Capabilities via the Administration Menu. This is very helpful to allow the administrators to deactivate capabilities that your users are not yet wanting to use with the single click of a button. When you're ready to starting using the capability you're able to simply activate the capability with a single click.
Enabling / Disabling Capabilities
All supported capabilities are available in an applicable category and a short description of the capability is also included. Activated capabilities are illustrated by an ON toggle, which deactivated capabiltiies with an OFF toggle.
For each capability an Info icon will allow the administrators to access more information on the capability, including a short video (where applicable).
Please note in same circumstances capabilities are dependent on each other and activating a capability will automatically activate a dependent capability. These currently include:
- Planned Labour Cost is dependent on the Resource Capacity Planning.
- Labour Cost is dependent on Time Sheets.