

In PPO, you have the ability to define your own widgets for your home page as well as list pages to give a visual representation of your data. PPO Administrators can set up defaults for these under Widget Configuration.  Users can however override the settings for their own user preference by defining what they want to see on their list pages.   

Lets start with providing a list of the various widget types in PPO and screenshot examples of each:

Working with widgets;

Key metric

On the Cost List page below, Key Metric chart widgets were added to give you the Sum of your Budget, Actual / Spent, Estimate to Complete and Variance.

Donut chart

On the Project List page we have two examples of a Donut Chart showing the Count of Projects per Status as a Percentage and Count of Projects per Phase as a Value:

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 07.11.30.png


The Risk List below is represented by a Treemap showing by Overdue and Type:

Bar chart

On the Demand entity, a Bar Chart was added showing the Count by Business Priority and Requesting Department.

My Links widget

The My Links Widget in PPO allows the flexibility of creating your own links on your Home Page for easy access.  Allowing these links within a tool, whether they point to internal resources, external websites, other software applications or PPO reports and dashboard, can offer various benefits that contribute to improved user experience and efficiency. For more information related to the calendar widget, follow this link.

Calendar widget

The Calendar Widget in PPO gives you the ability to add and display events from entity items, based on certain criteria. The Calendar shows the related data as a weekly or monthly view on your Home Page. For more information related to the calendar widget, follow this link.

My list widget

The My List Widget in PPO allows the flexibility of creating your own lists on your Home Page.  The functionality allows users to create a list and add any entity item to the list.  For more information on the My List widget, follow this link.

Feed widget

The Feed Widget in PPO is a feature designed to keep project communications and collaboration flowing. This feature supports the use of Conversations where you can tag users and/or User Groups as well as getting feed notifications where entity items have been updated in PPO using the Send to Feed business rule.  In addition, if your notifications are enabled for the My List Widget you will get feed notifications if the items in your "My List" is updated. For more information related to the Feed, follow this link.

Accessing your chart widgets

To access your chart widgets, navigate to any List page. Click on the "Gear" icon located in the top right-hand corner of the page. The below example is a Project List page where you will notice a Key Metric and a Bar Chart.  

When a user selects the Gear icon shown above, they are able to do the following (screenshot below):

(1) Add additional fields to the list page as columns by clicking in the "Click to select additional columns" field.

(2) Use the drag and drop functionality to change the sort order of the fields you want to view in your list.  Simply click on the field you want to move and drag and drop it to the desired order.

(3) Remove fields from the list page by clicking on the "remove" button (x).

(4) Update the list page size by either selecting 10, 20, 50, 100, or 200.  The maximum list page size is 200.

(5) If you have existing Charts you will be able to either copy, edit or delete them.

(6) Under Charts, you can either select to insert a Key Metric, Donut chart, a TreeMap or a Bar chart.  By adding these you have the ability to choose the Field, which Operator to use, and what the Measure should be.  

Adding chart widgets

In the below example, we are adding a Key Metric widget indicating the Average Variance % for the portfolio of Projects.  Under Colour options for the Key Metric, you can either select a Fixed colour, apply a Condition, or apply a Range.

For the Variance % below, if the % is less than 0%, the Key Metric will show Red, If it is 0% or more it will show Green.

The below screenshot shows how it would display on the list page. 

Depending on which chart you select, the fields, secondary fields, operators, measures, orientation and mode would differ.  Below is a screenshot of the Donut, Treemap and Bar chart options.

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 07.18.17.png

Once you are comfortable with your changes you can simply click on the "Save" button and this will update your list page columns for that specific entity.  Doing this has no impact on other users and PPO saves this as your own preference.

Once you have your widgets set up on a list, you have the ability to hide your Widget by clicking on the "x" icon and also unhide it by clicking on the "<" icon as shown in the below screenshot.

If you want to restore your columns, charts, and page size on a List page to be the default as set up by the PPO Administrators you can click on the "Gear" icon, click on the "Restore Defaults" button and Save.

Interactivity of charts & list pages

The Chart Widget works interactively with the filter control. Clicking within a Donut, Treemap or Bar chart, the Project list will automatically filter by only showing those projects selected.  In the filter control, you can also remove the filter pill and the Charts will adjust accordingly.  Clicking on the Names in the Legend (strike through) removes the values from the chart but not the list page. Simply click on the word in the legend again to add it back to the chart.

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