
Report And Dashboard Views

PPO allows users to extract reports and dashboards in four different views or formats. The views available for a specific report or dashboard is displayed below the reports' parameters as action buttons, once a report has been selected.

It is important to note that not all view options will always be available for every report or dashboard.

Report / Dashboard View

When selecting the Report / Dashboard View, PPO will open your report in a browser window which is ideal for accessing information quickly or allow a project manager to run a meeting from the report and still make updates in PPO on the fly from linked records.  

The Report View and Dashboard View both function in the same manner with the only difference being  the page and button names illustrated below:


Datasheet View

The Datasheet View is a dump of the entity data into a file that can be opened and manipulated in Microsoft Excel.  This view is ideal in a scenario where a user needs to create a specific view from the report data and/or do quick analysis work.


There is no formatting applied to the data in this file (i.e. no logo or text formatting) and it is important to note that it's not really an Excel file but rather HTML which is opened in Excel.

The user will therefore receive a warning message when trying to open the file because the format does not match an Excel file. It is however safe for the user to click yes and continue to edit the data.


PDF View

The PDF View opens the report as a PDF document and is ideal for distributing a report via email.


Mail to Me

The Mail to Me option is not necessarily another view but rather provides the user with the option to have a report emailed to their mailbox.

Depending on the report or dashboard, the user will have the option to either have the report mailed to them in PDF or in a Datasheet format.  If you don't have the Mail to Me option you can log a support ticket for the Support team to assist.

Mail PDF to Me: 


Mail Datasheet to Me:


You will then receive an email from with the report as an attachment. 

Should the report timeout you will receive an email like the one below with reference to the reasons why a report can time out which can be found here:

For more information on the reports and dashboard, access the following knowledge base article.

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